86 W Main St, Lehi Utah 84043
Text us at 833-214-9686 for appointments or questions

Our Humanitarian Efforts and How You Can Help!

We at Lehi VIsion Care have a mission - to provide the best vision and eye care. But this does not just apply to our patients here in Utah. We have millions of our brothers and sisters across this world that have limited or no access to basic and essential eye care that we might take for granted here in the United States.
It is our responsibility to share these incredible blessings with those that do not have them in their lives. Dr. Pickering takes time each year to visit different parts of the world to do eye exams and to distribute prescription glasses, as well as non-prescription reading glasses and sunglasses. Several employees of our office have also taken time to accompany him on such trips, and they always return with gratitude for having been able to help so many people.
You might wonder what you can do to help in this great endeavor. Many of our wonderful patients and neighbors have donated their lightly used glasses to be measured and used on such trips. This has been extremely valuable and we appreciate all of these donations.
Another vital way you can help is by donating non-prescription reading glasses and sunglasses. On a typical trip, the doctors will distribute over one THOUSAND pair of reading and sunglasses. Most of these are purchased by the doctors themselves to take and give out. A trip to the dollar store to buy some of these and donate can make immediate and dramatic improvements in the lives of people in other countries.

Do you want to take it to the next level and get even more involved? You and your family and friends can even accompany us on these trips, or go on a different one. A local organization, Eagle Condor Humanitarian, organizes trips to Central and South America through out the year. They have not just medical trips, where you help facilitate the exams, but also in helping people build needed structures and services to improve their lives and futures.
If you have any questions, PLEASE give us a call or send us an email. We would love to talk to you about it. A great time to get all of the details is from Dr. Pickering himself during your annual eye examination!
So how can you help now, TLDR version!
Donate used glasses in good condition
Purchase over-the-counter reading glasses or sunglasses and bring them in
Offer to come in and help organize and catalog our glasses
Contact us directly if you want to go on one of our expeditions!